
Google Image Ranking

When a third of all searches performed in Google are for images and 12.5% of SERPs show Image Pack results... you know that you have to start opimizing and ranking your website images.

And since the February update from Google... when you click on a image you are redirected to the page contains the image... this exploded the image traffic.

And unlike web results, duplicates are not viewed as a problem. Google Image Search will generally take one version of an image, and that'll rank higher than the others. But it's not always the original.

Now, if you are curious about doing this image SEO and you've decided, "Okay, this probably makes sense. I should try it out." let me give you some quick tips on how to optimize your images for higher rankings.

#1 The image file name should include your main keyword

#2 The alt attribute on the image should include your main keyword

#3. The image caption - the caption can be more important than the alt attribute when it comes to Image Search. So if you put that little caption down below, underneath your image, that can actually help with the Image Search rankings.

#4. Surrounding text content. So Google is going to look at this text above and below and around the images to see if it has relevance.

#5. Image engagement and popularity - Exactly like in YouTube rankings, we think engagement and popularity, what people scroll to, what they click on, what they click through to, matters quite a bit. That's why you should have a very high-quality, highly interesting, highly relevant image, as well as you also want to serve visitor demand.

#6. The image dimensions matter. So if you do a Google Image Search, you will notice that they don't show, or they rarely show, unusual image dimensions. So an image like this, which is very, very horizontal and not very vertical, probably wouldn't do well. Just as a very vertical, not very horizontal one. They tend to look for sort of 16 by 9, 4 by 3

#7. Image size. So Google is generally not looking for very small images. They also tend not to show gigantic ones, although they sometimes will scale it down.

I hope you found this tips helpful!